Wednesday, November 7, 2007

My new stuff

This week, I've spent a lot. I got myself a 4gb walkman video mp3- Sony NWZ-S616F/R. I was in dillema on choosing colors. They have white, silver, black, red, blue and pink. At last, I chose red instead of pink.....althou I love pink more. I reckon that the red one is more unique and classy. Overall, it's a hot and sexy red. Love to bits.


a silver ipod nano

a brand new Jil Stuart spectacles.
I like the blink blink love pattern at the side of the spec .

and ...........
get this spec for FREE

a Levi dark brown sunglass.
a pair of pure hazel color lens


curled my hair just for the sake of fun. I havent cut or redye my hair yet.. I just can't wait to trim away my damaged, splited ends hair.

Gosh, too pampered myself to get all these stuff. This is one of my reason of coming back to Penang. At least, I'm happy with what I have now.

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