Thursday, August 16, 2007

The First Morning

The First Morning describes the beauty that you felt when you spent your first night with your boy/girl friend. You are the first person to wake up and when you look at him/her; there is this profound feeling of love that you feel for him/her.

The light shines through the window and paints our dreams white
I'm reluctant to know the fact that you will wake up soon
I dont want it to happen now; yesterday had left us too quickly

I can't say what it is that seems to have burnt on my chest
I kiss your cheeks to prove that this moment really exists

It's you who lead me to believe in love and treat me generously
It's love. We're meant to be together. This is not a coincidence.

This is love, our love. Even though we're not sure yet it feels so real.
I let you lay against my chest, silently, instead of say it in verbally
I no longer want to let you go

This is love, a love for you. It doesnt have a name yet it cannot be stopped
I'm looking forward in fidgety. In my gamboling I thought of future
It is because of you, I understood that this is love

But the dream is still here. I stay carefully, not wanting you to wake up.
Myabe now, is the forever of the future?

Our first morning is more secretive than any privities
Under the unlimited possibilities, any languages appear to be too superficial.

The first morning, I want to see you
The first morning, I want you to stay by myside
ever and forever.

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