Meeting up with Zhen Jie
Zhen Jie
(the skinny version of JJ Lin Jun Jie .... look alike ??)
I was busy completing my design presentation board the day before and slept at 5 in the morning on that day. Still, I tried my very best to meet up with Zhen Jie. He came down from Newcastle to meet her mum and also taking this opportunity to meet me up as well. The last time we met was half a year ago which was in Penang time. I always wanted to return back to Newcastle to catch up with the other frens but always couldnt make it. So for this time, I'm not going to disappoint him and , I tried my very best to spare out my lunch session with him in city. We had lunch at Ichiban-boshi which is a Japanese restaurant, selling authentic ramen. The restaurant is always pack at peak hour. Fortunately, we got a seat when the time we reached.

(the skinny version of JJ Lin Jun Jie .... look alike ??)

Slurp.... non-stop savouring the meal we had that day... but feeling bloated at the end. I reckon the portion is toooo big for a petite girl like me O.O
A big thanx for the treat, Zhen Jie.
Due to time constraint where he needed to leave in another 1 hour more. We wandered around the city and did some window shopping and tried out some new arrival clothes. I went to my fav shop Temtp, as for him, he went to G-star. I always named it Gay star...I dunno why, haha. I dun have the intention to buy anything this time. Just wanna have some moment of 'leisure' on trying new clothes. Oh well, they didnt fit me tho. Guess, it's hinting me not the right time to buy them'... haha ... Good thing !!

Finally, my design presentation was over and I didnt get enuf sleep again. After my presentation, I went dinner with a bunch of Hong Kong friends at one of the Japanese restaurant called 'Ming De'. Althou we were super tired after the presentation, heck, we totally enjoy the unlimited buffet 'shabu shabu' especially Winnie. She kept telling me that she's been starving badly for the whole afternoon. Gawd, I couldn't believe myself that I need to converse with them in Cantonese. I think I have to brush up more to speak more fluently. Well, I'm glad that I've received some good comments from the tutor althou one or two of the drawings were not that convincing and I could have done it better. Arghh .... there are more assignments need to be done by this week. Oh yea, tmr I will be doing 'sexy concrete' at the tramshed for my structure and construction. Woohoo.... sounds fun right? I hope it's not that difficult to make the 'sexy concrete'. I'm goin to flat-out very soon...... sigh. Till then !!
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