Ignore this if u think it's a waste of time of reading it.

It may sounds common to you. But I have this sudden urge to share with those people out there who still have not heard or aware of 'Google Earth'. It can be downloaded from the following website
http://earth.google.comAs far as I know, lots of people already know the existence of Google earth and widespread in use. Just for in case you know nothing bout it, let me explain to u in short and general brief.
Well I think 'Google earth' is a brilliant and interactive mapping tool to help us in searching entire maps/routes, also allow you to view photo-realistic buildings from cities around the world and even explore stars in the sky. Not forgetting to mention, don't miss out those really cool and great new features. For instance, check out the new 'Photorealistic' buildings where large cities and landmarks will pop out in 3d. What else?! It shows you the descriptions of these 3d buildings by just a click, giving u the information like the building's name, height, what is it used for, who is the architect... and more. Isnt it awesome?
I never bother to download it last time until I was introduced by a friend to use this for my assignments. As I need these maps for site analysis and it's pretty easy to get measurements for each building's plan by using 'Ruler' from the tool option. These have really save up a lot of my efforts and time instead of using a real tape measurement and measure it on site.
Few days ago, I noticed there are numerous camera placemarks on the map. I was curious about it and just simply clicked on the camera. To my surprise, it lets me to experience the street view and explore in 360 degree view as if I'm standing in there, so freaking near!
Dun believe of what I said?
See this !
View from where I'm staying....
Entrance of my uni !!
However I tried google on my own hometown, Penang, but in fact there's none of this feature available yet. I think this new feature only push out for certain country only but not in Malaysia yet. What a great disappointment!
Photorealistic view of Sydney city.

What are you still waiting for? Go explore and have fun immediately !
With love,