More on Valentine's Day
I read this from someone's blog and would like to paste here and share with u guys of what is the actual meaning for every 14th in each month. I'm pretty sure you all wants to know it better and it's not too late that you've missed your Valentine's day. There are more to celebrate with your friend or loves one. So do enjoy reading ^^
◎ 14th of January: 日记情人节(Diary Day)
On this day, couples would present each other their own love diaries. This indicates that they gonna spend their future together and all the sweet memories are etched.
◎ 14th of February: 华仑亭情人节(Valentine's Day) This is the most popular V-day n widely acceptable by Asians.
西 元3世纪时,罗马皇帝为避免已婚男子不愿离家当兵,发布了一道禁止结婚的法令,但华仑亭主教依旧违背皇帝旨意,秘密为青年人举行婚礼。他因此遭到监禁,并 于西元273年2月14日死在狱中。后人为了纪念他,将他殉难这天订为「华仑亭日」,后来便成为世人耳熟能详的情人节。
◎ 14th of March: 白色情人节(White Day)In Western countries, there is no White Day. However, in the East, like Japanese, they do have this tradition of celebrating it. For those that received gifts on 14th Feb, they would return another gift on this day to show acceptance. On the contrary, they would just ignore this day as rejection
◎ 14th of April: 黑色情人节(Black Day) This is the day for singles!! If u call urself single n available, cheer loudly n party hard on this day. N the colour theme for today is Black. So, dress in black, drink in black (eg. black coffee) n live in black. ROFL
虽然并非天下有情人都能天长地久、甚至曾经拥有,但谁说孤家寡人或旷男怨女就不能过情人节?「黑色情人节」就是属 于单身贵族们的情人日。在前两个月他们或许既没收到甜蜜小礼物,也没人可以送巧克力,但4月14日这天,大家共聚一堂,彼此鼓励、加油打气,化悲愤为力 量,倒也热热闹闹十分开怀,藉此消除形单影只的落寞感。
◎ 14th of May: 黄色与玫瑰情人节(Yellow and Rose Day) If your love situation still in zero progress, on this day, put on yellow clothing or eat yellow curry rice, hinting to everyone that 'I'm still available'.
Besides that, May is also the festive of sprout of roses. That's why 14th of May also called Rose Day.
Giving out red roses means confession; white roses means hesitation; yellow roses means break up.
如果已经到了5月,你的情事还是没有任何进展,在这一天穿着黄色衬衫或黄色套装,吃黄色咖哩饭,就是告诉大家「I am still available」的最好暗示。春日融融,将黄色穿在身上,也相当符合季节气氛。
◎ 14th of June: 亲吻情人节(Kiss Day) This is an important day for couples. Couples dont have to be shy n kiss each other to show love.
◎ 14th of July: 银色情人节(Silver Day)
It is the day to bring your love one back home to meet the parents n the elders. Well, for sure, all the expenses would be spend by the elders.
N for the Couples, they are keen to give each other silver gifts.
◎ 14th of August: 绿色情人节(Green Day)
During Summer, can try a jungle exploration with ur loved one, enjoy the nature n healthy life.
If u r finding a love partner, u can join Soju (a Korean Green Brand alcohol party).
Not applicable in Malaysia then..LoLx
◎ 14th of September: 音乐情人节与相片情人节(Music Day & Photo Day)This day is all about organising social activities, singing n dancing throughout the day. It's also the day to introduce your love partner to your friends and colleagues.
For singles, there lies an opportunity to find an ideal partner.
许多情侣喜欢在这天就着蔚蓝晴朗的天空合影,所以9月14日又称为「相片情人节」 。
◎ 14th of October: 葡萄酒情人节(Wine Day)
On this day, couples would enjoy the nice wine and celebrate the Spring. Usually having dinner in a romantic restaurant and talk about future plans.
◎ 14th of November: 橙色情人节与电影情人节(Orange Day Movie day)On 14th of Nov, couples could catch up two movies continuously. After exhilarating and touching movies, it is time to replenish water. No matter singles couples also can try on pure orange juice.
◎ 14th of December: 拥抱情人节(Hug Day)On 14th of Dec, it is fine no matter how long u would like to hug ur love one. Hugging in public is sort of like declaring your love and get the winter warmer.
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